Good quality imaging is incredibly important to correctly diagnose you. X-rays and MRI scans are the most common image modalities used in Orthopaedics. X-rays show bones, while MRIs focus on soft tissues, and generally, both are required.
If you have outside imaging, please make sure you have the images on a disk to either upload them prior to your visit, or bring them with you. If you request the results to be sent to us directly from the imaging facility, 90% of the time only the report gets faxed. Dr. Gomoll needs to look at the images directly, rather than relying on the radiologist’s impression. If the images are not available at the time of the appointment, no final diagnosis and treatment plan can be provided.
Unfortunately, outside imaging varies in quality. HSS provides excellent MRI quality, and therefore generally this is the preferred location for imaging. However, as long as the quality is adequate, Dr. Gomoll is happy to look at existing images, or send you for additional imaging close to your home. Below are examples comparing a typical community MRI with one obtained at HSS. Sometimes it may be preferable to drive to an HSS facility rather than risking an inadequate scan that does not help with the diagnosis.
Outside coronal view MRI (left) versus HSS MRI (right) - notice the much higher resolution for fine detail
Outside axial view MRI (left) versus HSS MRI (right) - notice the much higher resolution for fine detail
Outside sagittal view MRI (left) versus HSS MRI (right) - notice the much higher resolution for fine detail